Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Zoo Hunter vs. Political Assassin!

Greetings! It's been a pretty long absence here at The Mung Hour. We blame social media for being far more interesting. That said, let's take a breather from yelling at each other, and examine the next some-sort-of-paycheck for actor Nicolas Cage. I have some observations and questions:

1) Cage is a big game hunter for zoos. Um, is he the hero? I'm sure when he darts endangered tigers, the money goes straight to the local villages.

2) What exactly is an "Hispanic freighter"? Are there options to take a ride on a "Caucasian freighter"?

3) Political assassin being extradited in secret on a slow-moving freighter. I guess it does save a few bucks.

4) Political assassin "escapes and releases the captive animals." Okay. So, the political assassin is either suicidal or is indeed, Tarzan.

5) Famke Janssen plays a "neurologist lieutenant in the U.S. Navy." What role does a neurologist lieutenant play on a slow-moving freighter of zoo animals? Is she the Navy's answer to Dr. Doolittle? Or, is she assigned to the political assassin, because he needs to be studied. Or maybe, he has a fast-moving brain tumor, and they need her on hand to ensure he lives, so they can complete the extradition and execute him.

Hopefully, these questions will all be answered when this film finds a distributor. Filming begins this April in Puerto Rico, with or without power.

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